Tips for Sleep

Sleep tips

  • Start your sleep routine during the morning by getting at least 30 minutes of morning sunshine.
  • Avoid caffeine after 10am – ¼ of a dose of caffeine is still alerting our bodies 12 hours later, so having a coffee at 11am is like going to bed at 11pm with a ¼ shot of espresso and hoping to sleep.
  • Avoid ‘blue light’ from screens such as tablets and phones for at least 60 minutes before going to bed – this wavelength of light confuses the brain that it is still daytime.
  • Try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day – avoid ‘social jet lag’ caused by sleeping later at the weekends.
  • Keep the bedroom cool & dark – about 18 degrees is ideal.
  • Avoid sedatives – these include ‘sleeping pills’. These cause sedation and not sleep – plus the brain will quickly get used to needing this signal. Alcohol is also a sedative and fragments sleep – you are actually far more likely to have broken sleep after a ‘nightcap’.
  • Have a wind down routine – begin to dim the lights in the house in the evening and get into those PJs an hour before going to bed.
  • Go to bed only when you are tired – lying for too long without falling asleep can trick the brain into associating the bedroom with alertness. You wouldn’t wait at the dinner table to feel hungry, would you?
  • Waking through the night is normal – so give yourself long enough in bed to accommodate this.
  • Different bits of your brain power down in stages during sleep (and some power-up). One of the first to switch off controls your rational thoughts – leaving the emotional feelings to bubble-up unchecked – try not to worry about this worry! – it is normal and hopefully means you will be asleep soon….
  • The app Sleepio hs been shown to help with your sleep.  It is free to download for people in Scotland and you can find it in your usual app store.